Our Vision

All Children Are Artists. 


Good G.R.A.C.E. is a creative community dedicated to expanding the social expression and self-esteem within children. As a means of therapy to restore resiliency and hope, Good G.R.A.C.E. offers art as a healing anchor to those who have experienced neglect, abuse, mental illness, poverty and/or creative suppression.

Studies have shown that engaging in dance, music, drawing, painting, writing or other art forms – rehabilitates confidence in children and gives a sense of direction for their future well-being. Art integration is a fundamental investment to maximizing cognitive development and critical thinking.

By [G]iving, [R]eceiving, [A]nd [C]reating [E]nergy, our annual art retreats and monthly community gatherings will establish a safe and uplifting space where children can express their emotions in a completely free discovery process. At numerous destinations, our organization will unite children with artists and mentors through a series of workshops, counseling, and guided meditations tailored to their interests.

During this time children will be encouraged to explore their curiosity in photography, design, illustration, journalism, culinary, music, dance, entertainment or whatever they aspire to be. Providing an outlet for children to be care-free and creative is our ultimate goal.

Providing self-help tools and motivational fellowship, Good G.R.A.C.E. aims to support the hopes and dreams of developing a life led by artistic talents.


Plant Your Seed Fall Fundraiser / 2018